Reyes the Pen is a three-day writing workshop in Point Reyes National Seashore, led by docent and award-winning poet and fiction writer Heather Bourbeau. It is FREE and open to the public.
Each day will start with a mini-lecture by scientists working in the park, followed by writing prompts, free writing blocks (and park exploration encouraged), and time to share drafts and perspectives. To cap our three days together, we will have a short reading featuring writing developed during the workshop.
Presenters include Dr. Sarah Allen, Marine Ecologist; Erin DeGutis, NPS Wildlife Biologist; and Taylor Ellis, NPS Spotted Owl Biologist.
This program will take place in the Red Barn Classroom which has a capacity of 50 people. Please email fiona_o' to register. Overnight accommodations are not included, and participants may register for one day, two days, or all three days.
Please bring your own lunch and snacks.
Please meet each morning at 9am at the Red Barn Classroom at Bear Valley, Point Reyes National Seashore, 1 Bear Valley Rd, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956